From Trello to ClickUp: How Smart Global Governance Boosted Productivity

From Trello to ClickUp: How Smart Global Governance Boosted Productivity

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As Smart Global Governance is a French company, illustrations used in this article are in French.


A French IT company, Smart Global Governance, migrated from Trello to ClickUp for their project management. Trello's limitations were the main reason of the transition. However, it was an opportunity to improve their workflow and team collaboration. In this article, we'll talk about the process and benefits of the migration.

List View of tasks on ClickUp
List View of tasks on ClickUp

Trello's Limitations: The Migration's Trigger

Initially, Trello met Smart Global Governance's needs. But as the company grew, teams started to fall behind:

1. Too Basic Features

Trello lacks advanced options, especially for complex projects. Smart Global Governance needed:

  • An advanced subtask system
  • Gantt charts for project timeline planning
  • Customizable reports and dashboards to track progress

To fill the void, project managers had to use external tools, which were time-consuming and expensive.

2. Limited Growth Possibilities

Trello's simplicity was the limitation to the company's growth. Managers struggled to handle hundreds of tasks spread across multiple boards.

Finding specific information or reorganizing work required switching between boards, which was tedious. The tool reached its limits in terms of data volume and user numbers.

3. Reliance on Third-Party Integrations

They had to use numerous third-party integrations and extensions (Power-Ups) due to lack of features, which brought other problems:

  • Additional cost of Power-Ups
  • Risk of incompatibility or instability
  • Time wasted seeking for and configuring the right tools
  • Data scattered across different services/departments

The company needed a more comprehensive and centralized platform for better, efficient project management.

4. Limited Customization

Each company is different, but Trello's options were too limited for Smart Global Governance to adapt it to their processes. It should be the opposite.

For example, it wasn't possible to create specific custom fields or custom views. Users had to conform to Trello's standard functionality rather than the other way around.

Even though Trello met their needs at first, the company had to "endure" its limitations daily. Migrating to a more powerful and flexible project management tool like ClickUp became a "must" for growth.

Migration to ClickUp

ClickUp's Kanban Board View
ClickUp's Kanban Board View

The team decided to migrate to ClickUp, a more recent and comprehensive project management solution.

However, changing tools can be difficult and risky, especially when many projects and users are involved.

1. Test Phase

Before starting the migration, we created a test Space in ClickUp. We imported a sample of data from Trello to evaluate the process.

The tests allowed us to:

  • Verify that important information was transferred properly (tasks, comments, attachments...)
  • Identify compatibility issues
  • Familiarize with ClickUp's features
  • Define the optimal organizational structure for projects

In order to ensure a smooth process, conducting a migration test phase on a data sample was crucial.

2. Migration Preparation

After testing, we planned the migration step by step, without disrupting ongoing work.

Preparation steps included:

  • Creating a dedicated Space for each team in ClickUp
  • Creating project templates and processes
ClickUp templace center
ClickUp templace center
  • Writing guides and tutorials to familiarize users with ClickUp
  • Organizing training sessions
  • Communicating the migration schedule to the entire company

Teams needed to sort their Trello projects to start fresh in ClickUp and avoid problems and errors.

3. The Migration - Step-by-step

The migration was done team by team, department by department:

  • Importing Trello boards into the dedicated ClickUp Space
  • Monitoring the migration steps
  • Assisting teams when necessary
  • Q&A sessions for users

Migrating in stages allowed us to adapt to each team's pace. As a custom process, we encouraged users to provide feedback to help us adjust our methodology.

4. Monitoring

ClickUp Training videos for teams
ClickUp Training videos for teams

Once the migration completed, we needed to monitor team adoption. It was an important metric to measure the migration's success. We continued training and assisting users when needed. Plus, they helped us to improve migration processes by giving user feedback.

Now, Smart Global Governance uses ClickUp as their project management tool. The transition went smoothly, and teams have gained productivity. There's no going back!

Migration Successes

Leveraging ClickUp's Powerful Features

The company now uses ClickUp's advanced features to streamline operations and boost productivity.

  • Automated migration from Trello: ClickUp tools facilitate data migration.
  • Sprints in ClickUp: suited for Agile methodologies and improve delivery.
  • Custom fields: track project-specific data.
  • Multiple views: unlike Trello, ClickUp offers several views: Kanban board, Gantt, calendar, and list, suited for different projects.
ClickUp Calendar View
ClickUp Calendar View
  • Advanced automations: streamline repetitive workflows and save precious time.

Kenneth Blanchard said: "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority."

With ClickUp, Smart Global Governance's leaders to positively influence their teams and effectively manage projects.

Enhancing Collaboration and Communication

ClickUp assistance from UpSys
ClickUp assistance from UpSys

One of ClickUp's biggest advantages is its collaboration and communication capability.

Here are two key ClickUp collaboration and communication features:

  1. Asynchronous communication: unlike Trello, ClickUp allows efficient communication for team members.
  2. Integrated comments: contextual discussions and real-time feedback to reduce meetings.

ClickUp's features help reduce dependence on external communication tools like Microsoft Teams. We observed a 15% increase in task efficiency and x2 the number of internal users adopting the project management platform.

Integration with Development Tools

For an IT company as Smart Global Governance, integration with development tools is essential. ClickUp offers integration options with Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab.

  • Streamline Workflow: pull requests and status updates synced directly in ClickUp, eliminating double entry.
  • Real-time visibility: real-time overview of development progress for better data driven decision-making and team alignment.

Centralized Knowledge Bases and Resources

ClickUp Docs as a Knowledge Bases and Resources
ClickUp Docs as Knowledge Bases and Resources

They used Excel spreadsheets to manage and share project-related information. They decided to integrate these documents directly into ClickUp.

Now, team members collaborate on ClickUp Docs, the integrated ClickUp's document management system, to avoid emailing back-and-forth, make information search easier, and ensure version control.

Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Victories

In order to overcome challenges like change and team availability, we set careful planning, clear communication, and dedicated support to ensure the process.

The COO, Pascal Besnard, experienced improvements in terms of insights, collaboration, and team organization.

Request forms for teams
Request forms for teams


Smart Global Governance's migration from Trello to ClickUp illustrates the importance of a robust and versatile project management tool. ClickUp's advanced features helped overcome Trello's limitations, streamline workflows, and unlock their teams' potential.

But it's not the end of their journey. With UpSys' help, Smart Global Governance plans to integrate ClickUp into remaining services, create a comprehensive knowledge base, and optimize its processes.

And you? What are you waiting for?

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